
Dr Inica uses a technique called Neuro-Impulse Protocol (NIP) which is an approach based on neurological function and brain plasticity and essentially works to enhance brain-body and body-brain connection and coordination..

The NIP approach isn’t just about the spine, but about the whole body, a complete system of analysis and treatment that identifies where in the body - the joints, the muscles, the ligaments, wherever the abnormal sensory input is coming from - there is compromise to the brain’s ability to coordinate normal movement and function.

Once identified, impulse or gentle force is applied at the point of dysfunction to restore normal brain input and improve neuromuscular control and coordination. The effect is immediate due to the incredible speed of the nervous system and an increased range of movement and strength is often seen and appreciated straight away by the patient.

The adjustment or correction is gentle in nature and applied with specific impulse-like fingertip contact meaning there is generally no need for cracking (cavitation of joints) which is often associated with Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations. Corrections are made in a comfortable neutral position restoring nerve system co-ordination and subsequent function. These precise corrections improve alignment and restore muscle tone so as to improve stability and sensory input.  A simple, gentle and incredibly effective approach to restoring muscle and body function.


  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Headache/Migraines

  • Joint Stiffness - TMJ; Shoulder; Hip

  • Costochondritis

  • Poor Posture

  • Acute and Chronic Injuries

  • Upper and Lower Limb Issues

  • Tendinopathies/Bursitis

  • Pregnancy Care

  • Family Care

  • Womens Health

  • and more...